

I  came across this quote today on Instagram posted by P. Diddy. For me it was such a wonderful reminder and it made me think. We are raised to believe and to take pride in that friendships are forever. There is absolutely beauty in long friendships. I have quite a few and I love them. The reason why we are still friends are because we have grown together.

What often happens, the same comes to relationships, jobs, where you live, how you dress, what you eat, your opinions on the world as you see it etc., is that sometimes you grow apart. And that is OK. The trick is to accept it and know that you will meet new people, new relationships, get a new job etc.,  where you will be on the same wave length and then the growth can continue.

It can be challenging and scary at times to let go and accept. But try it and know that the wonderful memories you have shared will always be there in your heart. Life is constantly evolving and changing.

Jump on the train of change with an open heart and my belief is, you will get closer and closer to who you are and you will find the confidence to stand strong in your version of what´s called life.


3 thoughts on “Shifting

  1. Hej skat læste lige denne her igen.den er bare god! Har haft ejendomsmægler idag til at se på lejligheden.han var helt vild med den.har presset prisen i forhold til hvad han skal have for at sælge må vi se hvad han tilbyder🤓så foreløbig kører alt som det alt vel hos dig .tænker så meget på dig .jeg har et ønske og det er en agent til dig. Vi tales ved Kys kys mor

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    > Den 3. okt. 2018 kl. 19.01 skrev Everything Marie : > > >


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